Frequently Asked Questions

We are proud of the relationships we've built with the most recognizable names in the paint manufacturing industry. Truth is, we like to think of our clients as our partners. We understand the demands that your clients can place on you, so as your partner we will stand by you and do whatever we can in your efforts to keep them happy.

Whether you're a paint manufacturer, contractor, property manager, color/design consultant, or even on the board of your HOA, we would love to work with you.

Below are a few of the common questions we receive. If you have a different question or want more information, contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Q: Which paint brands do you use?

A: Our color library includes all of the larger paint manufacturers as well as numerous regional paint companies. We are constantly adding new color systems are they’re requested. If we receive an order with a new color system, we’ll find it and add it to our library.

Q: How long does it take to get my imaging back?

A: Standard turnaround is 4 business days; in 2023 our average turnaround time was just 2.5 days. If your project involves multiple photos and/or has unusual conditions which require additional time (excess cleanup or foliage, substrate changes), we will promptly notify you.

Q: How do I place an order?

A: Easy! Just send your photo(s) to; send them at the original quality rather than at a reduced resolution. In the body of the email be sure to include the project name, your contact information (what you want your customer to see on page 1 of the PDF), the color schemes you want to see (Scheme 1: Body: SW7005, Trim: SW6083; Scheme 2:…, etc.), and any special instructions. Don’t worry – if we have any questions we’ll reach out before we begin.

Q: Can I take pictures with my iPhone or Android?

A: Yes, you can even use your iPad/tablet, digital camera, or any other device that you prefer.

Q: What makes a good photo?

A: A straight-on shot from the front is usually best, although if you have color placement or architectural details on the side of the structure which differ from the front, try to get a good angle so you can see a decent portion of one side in addition to the front. Try to take the picture(s) on a clear day at a time when there are as few shadows or direct/harsh sunlight as possible. See our photos for examples.

Q: I’m a rep with a large paint company but my in-house imaging is taking too long for my customer. Can you help?

A: Absolutely - we are here to augment your in-house imaging, not compete with or replace it. Our unified goal is to make your clients happy. In most cases, you can get approval to expense our imaging so that together we can achieve that goal.

Q: Why should I pay for color imaging when paint companies offer it for free?

A: That is a great question and it’s truly an individual choice. The feedback we receive from paint contractors, property managers, designers, and consultants is that our fast turnaround time and consistent quality eliminate delays. In a world where everything is needed “yesterday,” time is money, and 2 weeks or longer is sometimes not a viable option.